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Gender, equity and AMR: GEAR up seeks to catalyse action on gender and equity within AMR through supporting Fleming Fund country grantees to mainstream gender and equity within routine AMR systems and structures.

Gender, equity and AMR

We aim to increase awareness, and contribute to the knowledge, on structural inequities driving and shaping the AMR response.

Gender, equity and AMR

We also seek to build a global community of practice to guide and inspire further action and global knowledge sharing.

A critical moment in
gender, equity and AMR

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A critical moment in gender, equity and AMR

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GEAR up seeks to catalyse action on gender and equity within AMR through supporting Fleming Fund country grantees to mainstream gender and equity within routine AMR systems and structures. We aim to increase awareness, and contribute to the knowledge, on structural inequities driving and shaping the AMR response. We also seek to build a global community of practice to guide and inspire further action and global knowledge sharing.

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Great blog post from @LSHTM @JHenryC spotlights #FlemingFund Regional Grant #MAAP, led by @ASLM_News, the recently published study @LancetMicrobe on a 'critical assessment of #AMR detection capabilities ... while offering actionable recommendations' for #Africa.


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GEAR up is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)’s Fleming Fund using UK aid.

The views expressed on this website are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the UK DHSC or its Management Agent, Mott MacDonald.

Mott Macdonald

GEAR up is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)’s Fleming Fund using UK aid.

The views expressed on this website are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the UK DHSC or its Management Agent, Mott MacDonald.

Mott Macdonald