GEAR up seeks to catalyse action on gender and equity within AMR through supporting Fleming Fund country grantees to mainstream gender and equity within routine AMR systems and structures. We aim to increase awareness, and contribute to the knowledge, on structural inequities driving and shaping the AMR response. We also seek to build a global community of practice to guide and inspire further action and global knowledge sharing.
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Addressing gender inequalities in national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
National action plans on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) often overlook the critical intersection of gender, despite evidence that exposure and susceptibility to infection, health-seeking behaviours, as well as antimicrobial prescribing and use patterns are all influenced by gender. This publication provides a summary of the evidence on AMR and gender and proposes 20 recommendations for policy-makers […]
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Moving beyond bugs and drugs: Integrating gender and equity in AMR programmes in Uganda
In this blog Susan Okioma and Anne Ngunjiri discuss their time spent in Uganda during World […]